Your pet’s oral health is just as important as their other organ systems! Bacteria exist in the mouth as a normal healthy microbiome, but may accumulate on the teeth in large amounts as dental tartar. These layers of bacteria essentially form a hardy biofilm that is difficult to remove unless manually scaled in a dental cleaning procedure. These biofilms may further potentiate dental disease causing tooth decay, infection, mobility and eventual loss. That is why annual to biannual evaluation of the mouth and teeth is an essential part of every pet’s physical examination.
We recommend having your pet’s oral health evaluated every 6 to 12 months unless otherwise directed by your veterinarian.
Dental cleaning procedures and preventative maintenance are important to our team here at Glenwood Veterinary Clinic. Did you know only about 50% of dental disease is visible above the gumline? The rest of the tooth exists as root(s) beneath the gum line and may harbor infection or disease invisible to the naked eye.